Weeks, Months, & Seasons
suxulhnet | Sunday, week | |
sil’wulhnet | Monday | |
sthumunts | Tuesday (second day of the week) | |
slhihws | Wednesday; third | |
sxu’athuns | Thursday | |
slhq’etsuss | Friday | |
slhq’etsusth | Friday (Snuneymuhwqun) | |
t’aqw’tum’ | Saturday | |
t’qw’atum’ | Saturday (Snuneymuhwqun) |
tth’ul’xwumutsun | January | |
pune’q | January; geoduck (gooeyduck) clam (gathered in January) | |
mim’ne’ | February | |
wulhxus | March (when frogs start croaking) | |
liimus | April | |
punhwemun | May | |
qw’i’lus | June | |
tum’qw’i’lus | July | |
tum’qwe’unhw | August (mosquito month) | |
p’uq’ulenhw | September | |
hwisulenhw | October | |
lu’ultsuptun | November; month for gathering wood | |
suyum | December |
yuqw’iqw’ul’us | spring (springtime) | |
tum’qw’i’lus | spring (time of ripening) | |
tun’peenhw | season when camas blooms | |
tum’kw’e’lus | summer | |
qw’i’lus | summer | |
qw’i’qw’ul’as | summer: during the summer | |
yuxay’tl’thut | fall, autumn: cold (getting cold, of weather) | |
tun’sliim | time in the fall when wild geese move in formation | |
tum’xuytl’ | winter | |
sil’anum | year | |
tun’tqe’yun | month you set weirs |
skweyul | day | |
tl’umqun | whole day | |
netulh | morning | |
tth’ekw’ul | dawn, daybreak | |
yutth’etth’ukw’ul’ | dawn, getting daylight | |
yuhwkwekwiyul’ | daybreak: beginning of daybreak, dawn | |
q’ilt | morning (mid-morning) | |
yuq’iq’ul’t | midmorning: getting toward midmorning | |
yuhwun’nut | evening: dusk | |
hwune’unt | evening, become evening | |
snet | night (noun) | |
net | night: be night | |
kweyel | tomorrow, daylight | |
tsul’equlh | yesterday | |
lhuw’ulhne’ | day before yesterday | |
hith | late | |
hith | long time | |
hithulh | long time PAST | |
huy | when, whenever | |
tahw | right now, later, then, there | |
ts’uhwle’ | sometimes | |
qul’et | again, next (time) | |
qul’et kweyul ’i’ | the next day | |
hwun’ xut’u ’i’ | suddenly, finally | |
shkwan | birthday | |
’uw’ kwun’a wulh hith | a long time ago |
Counting & amounts
0 through 100 (applied)
te’ | none: (not) any | |
lht’uqw’ | half | |
nuts’a’ | one | |
nuts’eylh | one child | |
na’nuts’eylh | one child (have one child) | |
nuts’uqun | one container | |
nin’ts’uqun’ | one little container DIM | |
nuts’us | one dollar, round object, month | |
na’nuts’a’ | one person | |
nuts’a’nuts | one root plant | |
nuts’alus | one stitch (when counting the width of a pattern in knittng) | |
snuts’ulhp | one tree, one bush | |
yuse’lu | two | |
themuhwulh | two canoes, two cars | |
yusuleylh | two children | |
yuse’luqun | two containers | |
yusa’lus | two dollars, two round objects, two months | |
hwthume’um | two helpings (have two) | |
thumt-hw | two houses | |
yuse’luw’t-hw | two houses | |
the’muts | two hundred | |
t-hwyuse’lu | two left | |
t-hwyusul’alusstuhw | two more stitches: do two more | |
yey’sul’u | two people | |
yusyey’sul’u | pairs of people (in sequence) | |
yuse’lunuts | two root plants | |
yusul’alus | two stitches, when counting the width of a pattern, as in knitting | |
yusul’alusstuhw | two stitches: do two | |
yusa’lumat | two teams or groups | |
syuse’ullhp | two trees | |
thumoonhw | two years | |
thume | twice | |
tskw’ush | twenty | |
tskw’shelu | twenty people | |
tskw’shelh | twenty times | |
tskw’ushulhp | twenty trees | |
lhihw | three | |
lhhwuwulh | three canoes | |
yulhuhwuw’ulh | three canoes going along, three cars going along | |
lhihwuqun | three containers | |
lhihwus | three dollars, round objects | |
lhihwuw’t-hw | three houses | |
lhhwelu | three people | |
lhuhwnuts | three root plants | |
lhhwalus | three stitches (when counting the width of a pattern in knitting) | |
lhhwumat | three teams or groups or material divided into three | |
lhhwelh | three times | |
slhihwulhp | three trees | |
lhhwuwoonhw | three years | |
hwulhhwumat | divided (now) into three | |
hwulhhwumatstuhw | do into three groups | |
lhhway’a’th | three-pronged | |
lhuhwulhshe’ | thirty | |
xu’athun | four | |
yuxuxa’uthun’ | four (canoes moving along) | |
xuxu’athun | four (for ex, lasting four days) | |
xuthi’na’qw | four (heads: fishheads, round things) | |
xuthinuwulh | four canoes | |
yuxuthi’nuw’ulh | four canoes going along | |
xuthinuqun | four containers | |
xuthinus | four dollars or round objects | |
xuthunelhum | four helpings (have four) | |
xuthinuw’t-hw | four houses | |
xuthiinu | four people | |
xuthunalus | four stitches (as counting a pattern width in knitting) | |
xuthunelh | four times | |
sxuthiinlhp | four trees | |
xuthuwoonhw | four years | |
xa’uthun’stuhw | bring in fours | |
xuthunlhshe’ | forty | |
sxu’athuns | fourth | |
sxuthunelh | fourth time | |
lhq’etsus | five | |
lhq’etssuwulh | five canoes | |
lhq’etssuqun’ | five containers | |
lhq’atssus | five dollars, round objects | |
yulhuq’utsus | five moving along (for ex, canoes) | |
lhq’utsse’lu | five people | |
lhq’utsselh | five times | |
lhq’etssulhp | five trees | |
lhq’etssuwoonhw | five years | |
slhq’etsuss | fifth | |
lhq’utssulhshe’ | fifty | |
t’xum | six | |
t’xumuwulh | six canoes | |
t’xumuqun | six containers | |
t’xumus | six dollars or round objects | |
t’xuma’qw | six heads | |
t’xumulu | six people | |
t’xumelh | six times | |
st’xumulhp | six trees | |
t’xumuwoonhw | six years | |
t’xumulhshe’ | sixty | |
tth’a’kwus | seven | |
tth’a’kwsuwulh | seven canoes | |
tth’a’kwsuqun | seven containers | |
tth’a’kwsus | seven dollars or round objects | |
tth’ukwse’lu | seven people | |
tth’a’kwselh | seven times | |
tth’a’kwsulhp | seven trees | |
tth’ukwsuwoonhw | seven years | |
tth’ukwsulhshe’ | seventy | |
te’tsus | eight | |
te’tssuwulh | eight canoes | |
te’tssuqun | eight containers | |
ta’tssus | eight dollars or round objects | |
te’tsselu | eight people | |
te’tsselh | eight times | |
te’tsulhp | eight trees | |
te’tssuwoonhw | eight years | |
te’tssulhshe’ | eighty | |
toohw | nine | |
toohwuwulh | nine canoes | |
toohwuqun | nine containers | |
toohwus | nine dollars or round objects | |
toohwelu | nine people | |
toohwelh | nine times | |
toohwulhp | nine trees | |
t-hwuwoonhw | nine years | |
toohwulhshe’ | ninety | |
’apun | ten | |
’upenuwulh | ten canoes | |
’upenuqun | ten containers | |
’upanus | ten dollars, ten round objects | |
’upeenu | ten people | |
’apunelh | ten times | |
’upenulhp | ten trees | |
’upuwoonhw | ten years | |
s’apuns | tenth |
kw’ush | amount, number | |
kw’ushmat | amount, number (of, for ex, blankets or towels) | |
huy | most | |
qux | much, many, alot | |
qxe’luts | many people | |
qxelh | many times | |
hwqxa’wuth | many kinds, diverse | |
tl’am | enough, fitting | |
hwuqux | many: become many | |
qaxthut | many: becoming many | |
ts’uhw | more, increase | |
si’ts | more (money, material objects) | |
sts’uts’ihw | more: get more | |
ts’hwulhqut | more: add (liquid) | |
ts’hwalust | more: add more (stitches) | |
ts’hwat | more: add more to it | |
ts’ehwt | more: adding more to it | |
kw’inuwulh | how many canoes | |
kw’inuqun | how many containers | |
kw’inus | how many months | |
hwukw’inusus | how many months (become) | |
kw’iinu | how many people | |
kw’unelh | how many times | |
t-hwkw’unelh | how many times yet | |
kw’in | how much; how many; what time | |
skw’ins | what day | |
kw’shem | count | |
kw’shels | count | |
kw’ushtsans | count bullrushes into bundles | |
kw’shule’tst | count bundles or bales | |
kw’she’le’tsnuhw | count bundles or bales (manage to) | |
kw’shuwulh | count canoes | |
kw’shewulhtsut | count canoes for someone | |
kw’shiwst | count ducks or chickens | |
kw’sha’luw’tsust | count fingers | |
kw’shetsust | count hands | |
kw’shi’qwt | count heads | |
kw’shi’qwels | count heads | |
kw’shi’qwnuhw | count heads (manage to) | |
kw’shew’t-hwt | count houses | |
kw’shule’tsum | count how many you have (bales) | |
kw’shet | count it | |
kw’ushnehw | count it (manage to) | |
kw’sheleelhtsum | count my group for me | |
kw’sheenhwt | count number of corn ears on the stocks, count potato sprouts, count tomatoes on plants | |
kw’shelut | count people | |
kw’sheleem | count people who are with you, the people in your group | |
kw’shalst | count round objects | |
kw’shalusels | count stitches, etc | |
kw’shalust | count stitches | |
kw’shule’elhtstham’sh | count the bales for me | |
kw’shule’tsulhtstham’sh | count the bales for me | |
kw’shelum | count the people in your group | |
kw’shulhpulhtsum | count the trees for me | |
kw’shuwoonhwt | count the years | |
kw’shelulhtstham’sh | count them for me (people) | |
kw’shulhpt | count trees, plants | |
skw’sha’lustuhw | count: get them counted (stitches) | |
skw’ukw’ishul’usstuhw | count: get them counted (stitches) | |
skw’ukw’ish | counted | |
skw’shas | counted (months, money) | |
skw’shasstuhw | counted (months), get them counted | |
skw’she’lu | counted (people) | |
skw’ukw’ishul’us | counted (stitches) | |
skw’sha’lus | counted (stitches) | |
kw’ushul’s | counting | |
kw’eshum’ | counting | |
kw’ushuw’st | (counting them, ducks) | |
kw’i’kw’shem’ | counting (keep counting) | |
kw’ushule’tsnuhw | counting bales (managing to) | |
kw’ushule’tst | counting bundles or bales | |
kw’ushuw’ulh | counting canoes | |
kw’i’kw’eshum’ | counting DIM | |
kw’uli’kw’eshum’ | counting DIM PL | |
kw’ushuluw’tsust | counting fingers | |
kw’ukw’shiw’st | counting groups, sacks of ducks | |
kw’ushutsust | counting hands | |
kw’usha’qwt | counting heads | |
kw’usha’qwul’s | counting heads | |
kw’usha’qwnuhw | counting heads (managing to) | |
kw’ushuw’t-hwt | counting houses | |
kw’eshnuhw | counting it (managing to) | |
kw’ushuleem’ | counting people who are with you, those in your group | |
kw’ushul’st | counting round objects | |
kw’ushul’ust | counting stitches | |
kw’ushuwoon’hwt | counting the years | |
kw’ushulhpt | counting trees | |
shhwuy | last one, final, finish | |
t-hwuy | last, remaining |